The Transparency Pledge: Understanding Candidates' Commitment to Transparency in Goshen Community Schools
Transparency, integrity, and accountability are values that many in our community consider important for our school system's success. To provide voters with clear information on where school board candidates stand on these issues, we created the Transparency Pledge. This pledge allows candidates and current board members to express their commitment to these values publicly.
The Transparency Pledge is a statement of principles that emphasizes open communication, ethical behavior, and accountability in education. By signing the pledge, candidates can indicate their dedication to fostering trust within the community.
Our goal is to inform the community by highlighting candidates' views on transparency. We are reaching out to all candidates and current board members, providing them with an opportunity to sign the pledge. This page will list the responses we have received to help voters make informed decisions.
Open Communication: I will engage with parents and the community in honest, transparent dialogue through responsiveness to questions, town hall meetings, public forums, and accessible-decision-making processes.
Maximum Transparency: I will ensure all aspects board agendas, discussions, and decisions are as public as possible to ensure the community is fully informed and involved.
Campaign Transparency: I will disclose all campaign contributions and refuse any anonymous or undisclosed funds.
Respect for Constituent Inquiry: I will honor the role of constituents in shaping our educational system and seek their input on matters affecting our students.
Condemnation of Unethical Behavior: I will condemn actions that violate transparency and public trust and call for those involved to take responsibility for their behavior.
Speak Out Against Illegal Activity: I will speak out against illegal activity and call for the censure and resignation of those who participate.
Take Personal Responsibility: If I violate this pledge, I will publicly apologize to the community and resign from office to help rebuild trust.